Unlocking Computer: Beginner Guide

What exactly is a computer?

4 min readJan 5, 2024

A computer is like a super-smart friend that processes information. Think of information like a secret code of 1’s and 0’s that make everything on your computer happen, from cool pictures to fun games.

Now, a computer has two main parts: the things you can touch (like the computer itself) and the things you can’t touch (the programs inside). Computers can be big, like the ones in big rooms that save lots of stuff, or small, like the laptops we carry around. They’re like magical boxes making everything work!”

All Catchy Buttons and Ports on your computer

Picture your computer as a control center where each button and port has its tale to tell The power button, wakes up and shuts down your computer to sleep, USB ports, the social hubs of your device, welcome external gadgets with open arms, the essential ethernet port for internet connectivity, display ports for connecting external monitors, and the familiar audio jack ports for your listening pleasure.

Ready for the backstage tour? Let’s explore!

Basic Components

Going back to the origins, the basic idea behind designing a computer is the human brain. Imagine a computer as a technological brainchild, with a CPU serving as its brain, tirelessly crunching numbers and making decisions. Just like muscles, it has RAM for quick memory and storage for long-term memory, creating a harmonious connection through the central nervous system known as the motherboard.

To keep it cool, it even sports a fan, and a heatsink, while the Storage (HDD/SSD) acts as its memory bank. Communication happens through a screen (the monitor), a keyboard translates your commands, and a mouse obediently follows your clicks. It draws energy from a power supply and has expansion slots for potential upgrades. Truly captivating.

Operating System (OS)

The operating system (OS) serves as the bridge between you and your computer. It’s the communication medium that interprets your commands and makes the magic happen. Whether you’re navigating the familiar landscape of Windows, the sleek world of macOS, or the mobile realms of iOS and Android, the OS shapes your digital experience.

Working on a Computer

A computer is like a super-fast problem solver. When you give it a command, like clicking on a cat video, here’s what happens: first, you tell the computer what to do (that’s the input). Then, the computer’s brain, called the CPU, thinks about it and figures out how to show you the cat video (that’s the processing part). Next, the computer shows you the cat video on the screen, and you laugh or smile (that’s the output). Now, the computer also has a memory (RAM) that helps it remember things quickly, like how many times you’ve watched cat videos today.

But wait, there’s more! The computer also has a memory bank (Storage, like a hard drive) where it keeps all the cat videos and everything else you save. So, every time you turn off the computer, it remembers where you left off. The motherboard, like the computer’s central nervous system, ensures that the brain (CPU), quick memory (RAM), and memory bank (Storage) work together smoothly. It’s like a traffic director, connecting and coordinating all the parts, making your digital world a lot of fun!


Antivirus software acts as your computer’s guardian angel, shielding it from digital threats from viruses and hackers lurking online. Examples like McAfee, Norton, or Avast are like trusty sidekicks, tirelessly working to keep your digital space safe. So, while you browse and explore online, your computer is under the watchful eye of these digital superheroes, ensuring a secure and worry-free experience.


To wrap up, computers have come a long way with us and continue to unveil the digital wonders we see today. The integrity between the workings of software and hardware is essential for the proper functioning of your computer. Let’s explore the possibilities that computers are creating one by one in our upcoming blogs. Until then, Happy Computing!

